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Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc.

Communication, Collaboration, Credibility

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"Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc." is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization founded in 1999.
Its  predecessor was ICWIFLE (Interagency Committee on Women in Federal Law Enforcement) founded by OPM in 1970's.

This web page contains the WIFLE Copyright Statement and the WIFLE Privacy Policy.  Contact with questions.

WIFLE Copyright Statement

Copyright Statement
Copyrighted by Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc., all rights reserved. 

None of the materials appearing on the WIFLE web servers may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of the organization. Material WIFLE posts which is owned by someone else, must be cleared by the owner for its use.

Image and WIFLE Trademarks Permissions Policy
The WIFLE logo(s) is legally trademarked and prohibited from commercial, noncommercial or general use unless formally approved by the Chair of the Board of Directors in writing. Images, including the legal trademarks, may not be published, displayed, or transmitted in any way without permission
. Non-commercial, educational use of images (excluding the WIFLE trademarked logos) is free with prior written permission from WIFLE and with the proper citation: Courtesy of WIFLE, For non-commercial or commercial use, please submit a request by email to We will contact you about your request.

Trademarks and Infringement,, page headers, custom graphics and button icons are service marks, trademarks, and/or trade dress of Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. and the WIFLE Foundation, Inc. and may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not formally approved or offered directly by WIFLE. WIFLE's trademark(s) and trade dress are protected from infringement under federal trademark and copyright laws. All other trademarks, product names and company names or logos cited herein are the property of their respective owners and used with permission.

WIFLE Privacy Policy


WIFLE respects each individual’s right to personal privacy. We will collect and use information in the ways disclosed through this statement. This statement applies to registrants of WIFLE seminars, training, or memberships. WIFLE does not sell or share your membership status, contact or personal information or email address with anyone (unless ordered to provide the information to a court of competent jurisdiction). In addition, WIFLE does not misuse your contact information for commercial solicitations by outside parties.  The website collects general statistical information automatically from website visitors.  WIFLE, through its member and conference registration service, collects personal/business information to provide membership or conference registration data for WIFLE.  We cannot offer service if you do not fully complete the application forms.

Part I. Information Collection

WIFLE collects information through our Website at several points. However, we collect no personally identifiable information about visitors to our Website other than what a visitor may voluntarily provide through a Website application or a registration form.

We use Google Analytic tools to collect the following general data that is not personally identifiable information: network location; country of network; which pages were viewed and for how long; site entry and exit pages; time of day of visit; keywords hit; referring site; and similar non-personally identifiable statistical information. We collect this data in order to determine where our visitors are located; which pages are the most and least popular; which keywords brought visitors to our site; and to provide us with similar analysis and evaluative tools.

The statistical information collection process is automatic, is non-voluntary, and we do not verify the accuracy of the information relying instead on the server hosting software to gather the data.

We collect personally identifiable information through online electronic forms. The form(s) will most likely request name, address, telephone number, email and work contact information; grade, salary or pay rate; emergency contact name and telephone number; which seminar or workshop chosen; education level; and similar types of data. The information provided by you is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the information, WIFLE cannot deliver services to you because membership and registration are specific to a particular person, and contact information on that person is needed in order to grant membership or registration. Information we collect is not shared without your consent except as indicated under Information Usage below.

We do not employ cookies. (A cookie is a small text file that Web servers place on a user’s computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies enable web owners to track usage patterns and deliver customized content to users.) WIFLE does not employ cookies through its Website.

We do not employ Banner advertising on our Website. (Banners may be used to collect similar information to cookies which are described above. When Banner advertising is used on a Website, third parties normally collect the information on that Website). WIFLE does not employ Banner advertising through its Website.

We will provide hyperlinks to outside sources, organizations, resources, agencies, and industry. WIFLE has no control over the content of those entities; does not participate in their Privacy Policies; and has no input into their use of information. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy of the linked Website when you first enter their site.

Part II. Information Usage
The personal information collected will be used to register an individual for a training event, workshop or seminar or used to effect membership in the organization. Users who provide contact information will receive membership benefits and privileges in WIFLE or will be registered for attendance at a WIFLE training event or similar event. WIFLE provides online electronic registration as appropriate to the event.  (If a third party is used, the registration service provider secures its own servers with appropriate technology, systems, programs, and personnel for standards of information protection and is governed by its own privacy standards.) Data input into the online system and retrieval from the online WIFLE system is secured and certified safe; you can read the privacy policy of the membership service provider at

WIFLE uses its announcement (or broadcast) service to provide information and announcements through email. There is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every message to be removed from broadcasts.  Additionally, you may contact WIFLE,, with a request to be removed from the broadcast service.

WIFLE uses contact details it collects for reasonable and customary WIFLE business purposes; e.g., to provide notices, electronically through the announcement service or by hard copy through the U.S. mail, of WIFLE business and organization information; announce upcoming conferences or meetings; share items of interest to membership; further WIFLE goals by publicizing events, activities, or group meetings; and, for similar business offerings and purposes. Electronically means to a member's email address; by U.S. mail means to a member's physical mailing address. You entered both of these when you joined or registered for a WIFLE event. WIFLE tries its best to protect its members from unwarranted emails by not accepting outside requests to contact members.  The exception is when, in the judgment of WIFLE officers, the outside request will be of great benefit to WIFLE members, such as notices of position vacancies in the law enforcement field.  Members can unsubscribe voluntarily at any time. This email announcement function is a benefit of a WIFLE membership and as such, is not a publicly-distributed or publicly-available service. Even so, members can "unsubscribe" or "opt-out" of receiving WIFLE announcements or change their email address for delivery of the announcements by using the links provided in an announcement or by emailing The WIFLE announcement function is a voluntary opt-out/opt-in choice for members as is required under law for mass email distribution and for which a member may discontinue permanently or temporarily. The only member information used for the announcement function is the member's email address(s) and the member's name. No other information is used by WIFLE for the electronic delivery of its announcements, and no WIFLE bulk messages are sent to all members except through the announcement service.

In addition, WIFLE will provide the annual notice of a business meeting through email and physical mail. However, you can opt to receive the notice through the U.S. Postal Service by calling 301-805-2180. While at the current time, WIFLE is using both the U.S. Postal Service and email to provide the annual notice, we will begin to use email only (unless you indicate otherwise) following the change to WIFLE's bylaws by the State of Virginia. 

The third-party provider of the email delivery service is the company we use for the online electronic application and registration form. The information we collect from the electronic online voluntary application or registration forms is not used to create customer profiles based on browsing or purchasing history. We will not supplement information collected at our Web site with data from other sources, such as others may use your credit history to authorize purchases. A word about your membership, participation, and/or registration: You must understand that WIFLE does, may, and will use photos, names, and affiliations in a manner consistent with furthering WIFLE's goals and gaining organization recognition. We may publish photos and names on our Website and use such in our printed publications as we deem necessary to broadcast WIFLE to an audience. Joining WIFLE, participating in WIFLE activities, and registering for WIFLE programs is wholly voluntary on your part. Choosing how to promote WIFLE and what methodologies and tools to use is wholly a WIFLE determination. Choosing to join, register, and participate in and with WIFLE indicates your permission and understanding that WIFLE may reasonably use photos and limited information about you to further its goals, gain PR, and conduct activities it deems necessary to advertise and broadcast its programs and services. You may encounter Federal agency photographers at WIFLE events. You have the right to remove yourself from a photographer’s view or request to be excluded from a photo opportunity.

We may offer links to other Web sites. WIFLE does not provide, and is not responsible for, the product, service, overall website content, security, or privacy policies on any external third-party sites. The WIFLE privacy and security policies do not apply to the linked site. Please consult the site’s policies for further information. Please note: When you click on links to other Web sites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours.

If our policy on information collection or use changes, will advise you through a new Privacy Policy which will always be available on our Website. 

Part III. Access to Information
WIFLE maintains application or registration data at a designated location under the control of WIFLE Executive Board members or a designated Board individual. The data may be compiled into a list to be used for membership renewals or counting the number of participants. Electronic and digital data may be compiled into paper form. Members and Registrants will be provided their own personal information if an email request is made to WIFLE members control and set their own privacy through their online profile by logging into the member site. WIFLE will respond to a request within two weeks or 14 days. Users may then modify, change, or request deletion of their personal information from files by using the service links that will be provided to do so. Each WIFLE member/registrant will have direct access to their individual record and will be able to update/modify/change the data as appropriate on their own, and, WIFLE members/registrants can request that WIFLE update their individual record.  

Part IV. Problem Resolution
If problems arise with WIFLE concerning privacy, users may contact WIFLE at by email. We are committed to resolving disputes within a 14-day or two-week period under normal circumstances.

Part V. Data Storage and Security
WIFLE protects electronic user information through tools in place by the third-party database provider.  When a membership application is received, the electronic data is reformatted and may be emailed, for example, to WIFLE Board members to take further action on the application. The original electronic data remains stored on the provider's server where it remains in a secured environment. WIFLE does not have access to your financial information, credit, or bank account because WIFLE uses third-party merchant providers to handle its financial transactions. The WIFLE Board of Directors and its designates have access to the membership and training registration data. 

Data printed on paper (such as membership or registration information) is authorized for storage in locations determined by WIFLE. Reasonable control and access by authorized and designated WIFLE Board members and service providers is granted. Electronic online registration and application data are provided voluntarily by users in order to obtain a service or a product from WIFLE. WIFLE Board members, a WIFLE training provider, and WIFLE Website managers are authorized and may additionally store information locally as in copies of emails to and from members and registrants.

Part VI. Third Party Fiduciary/Financial Contact through WIFLE’s Website
If you use your credit card or a bank account for membership or registration, you will be directed to a third-party merchant account provider. The merchant account provider will collect whatever information and data it needs to verify the credit card information and your personally identifiable information and charge the appropriate membership or registration fee to your card or bank. WIFLE does not have access to your financial, bank account, or credit card information. WIFLE may display a hyperlink to the provider’s server or web page, but all transactions are conducted outside of the purview of the WIFLE web server and WIFLE individuals. The third-party merchant provider will offer its Privacy Policy information for your review. Be sure to check links at the tops and bottom of third party pages to find and read their Privacy information.

Part VII. WIFLE Merchant and Service Providers. Merchant providers maintain their own servers, establish and implement their own secure transaction protocols, and set their own Privacy Policies. WIFLE does not have input into any of the systems or policies, and WIFLE is not involved with the systems or policies. Questions or concerns must be directly addressed with the Merchant Provider. WIFLE does review merchant provider policies prior to obtaining or contracting for a service for its offerings, but WIFLE does not maintain a relationship with merchant providers and receives no endorsements or favors from merchant providers. There are currently providers such as AffiniPay for financial transaction processing for membership and event processing which WIFLE uses. Check their sites for privacy.

If you have any further questions about WIFLE's privacy or security, please contact us by sending an email to  

Webmaster, Carol Paterick,
December 18, 2024


WIFLE stands for Women in Federal Law Enforcement. 
Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. (a professional association) and WIFLE Foundation, Inc. (a charitable and educational organization) are founded under the Internal Revenue Service Codes 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(3), respectively.


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Office: +1 (301) 805-2180


2200 Wilson Blvd. Ste 102, PMB-204
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Federal Tax ID: 54-1951589
DUNS: 17405102  
CAGE Code: 37WJ7   
SAM: Yes

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